Seber Technology Products

  • Temperature range -80°C . +40°C
  • Accuracy up to ±1.0°C
  • 8,000 logs
  • Smallest sampling frequency 1 minute
  • Rated for a typical trip of 2 weeks duration (SRIL-8) or up to 3 trips of 2 weeks duration (TRIL-8) at dry ice temperatures over a 2 year period.
  •  Ethernet: RJ45 (10/100 BASE-T)
  • WEB: Built-in web server (IPv6, HTTP, HTTPs)
  • Data logger: Data logger for more than 250.000 records
  • Digital outputs (DO): 2x DO relay output (low-voltage NO/NC relay contact)
  • Digital inputs (DI): 4x dry contact DI (state detector)
  • Pulse counters: 32-bit S0 counter at every DI Can be connected to: Door contacts, smoke detectors, 110/230V power supply detector, water leak detector, fan failure detector
IP Watchdog

The IP WatchDog monitors defined function of remote device on two independent channels (each channel controls just one of two relays). If the remote device drops out, the IP Watchdog activates the relay.